Embedding a Tactyc on a blog or website
Publishing allows you to share your Tactycs and analysis with anyone on the web. It's an exciting way for users to share their models with the world!
Embedding a single chart with input slidersExample
Click on the
icon on the top right of your Output Chart to open the Embed Chart dialogSet the width and height of output chart
Select any inputs you want to show in this single chart from the Configuration section
Select the Element code in the text box. The code will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
Paste the code anywhere on the web. You can use the Wrap in iframe option if you are embedding this chart with other HTML code. On Notion, use the "/Embed" option and paste the single line of code
Embedding an entire TactycExample
To embed your entire Tactyc, Launch your Tactyc and then click on Embed from the left side bar
- Set the width (in %) and height (px) of the embedded Tactyc
- Click Copy to select the HTML text that can be included on your website or blog
- On Notion, use the "/Embed" option and paste the single line of code